Day 9

Sunday, April 10

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Opening Ceremony

Closing Ceremony

Tina Spalding

Tina as a student and teacher of A Course in Miracles for over a decade, transformed her life through the practice of ACIM Principles and is now helping many do the same. She has since become a trance channel, public speaker and author of 7 channeled books.

We have a very special treat for you today! I was honored to interview my dear friend and channeler, Tina Spalding. Tina is best known for channeling the Master teacher Jesus, among other beings. 

At this time on Earth, the remembrance of Christ Consciousness has stirred within the hearts and minds of countless beings across the planet. This consciousness was fully achieved by the one we know as Jesus, who walked this Earth 2,000 years ago.

It only makes sense that he would return during these times, not as an incarnated being (who would likely just be dismissed or crucified yet again) but through a number of high frequency channelers who have prepared themselves for this task.

You will be delighted by the potency and encouragement of this transmission. May it bless you on this Sunday and through all of your days!

Connect with Tina and receive her free gift

1 Hour Q&A with Jesus & Ananda


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Inner Priestess Alchemy

This ceremony was created to let you engage your Inner Priestess. It includes a great deal of support materials, including worksheets and resources to help you cultivate the strength needed during these uncertain and changing times.
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PLUS …. 50% of your investment goes to the Institute of Afrikology©, an organization which I have personally vetted.

50% of your investment goes to the Institute of Afrikology©, an organization which I have personally vetted. This incredible Institute is stewarded by a council of elder women. It serves to empower children and adults to value their African heritage through creativity, education and sustainability. The Institute of Afrikology© is truly a model of New Earth Vision in action!
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