Day 11

Tuesday, April 12

Want Lifetime Access to This Sacred Series?
Upgrade Now for all Interviews,
Plus Opening & Closing Ceremonies!

Opening Ceremony

Closing Ceremony

Inaiya Ray

Inaiya is a New Earth Wayshower, Akashic Record intuitive and bestselling author of The Grail Rider. She is an inspired guide for Divine embodiment and conscious evolution. Inaiya transmits the living intelligence of the Wild Divine Sophia while facilitating transformational Temple Arts, and Akashic Awakening Ceremonies throughout the world.

Here’s a taste of what you will learn & experience during this session …

  • Feel the feeling frequency ignition of your DNI, Divine Natural Intelligence.
  • Empower yourself to know you can step into 5d New Earth Consciousness anytime. 
  • Feel inspired to enliven everything and everyone simply by relating to all beings through your master perception.

Connect with Inaiya and receive her free gift

Quintessence Meditation & Transmission

Go Deeper

This is a chance to immerse yourself in Inaiya’s sacred work and connect at a deeper level. Only for our community, she is offering her 5D New Earth Codex Transmission course for a very special price. This is ….

Tamara Duncan

Tamara is a telepathic channel, working with the autism collective/master healers, to share their messages, healing, and vibrations of unconditional love with the world. She has been working with families of children diagnosed with autism for 12 years, hosting retreats, teaching, and bringing their voices to life.

Here’s a taste of what you will learn & experience during this session …

  • How to vibrationally prepare for the New Earth.
  • We are not alone. There are beautiful Starseed, advanced spiritual beings that are walking this path on earth with us, helping us every step of the way.
  • You have amazing gifts waiting to be discovered that you are fully capable of developing.

Connect with Tamara and receive her free gift

Advanced Spiritual Connection Workshop

Aurora Anurca Farber

Aurora is a Spiritual Mentor, Alchemical Priestess and Love Catalyst who helps Awakening Divine Feminine Leaders ignite their “Feminine Fire—-the 3 heart flames of POWER, LOVE, and WISDOM—-so that they can burn away limiting beliefs, align with their feminine rhythm and intuitive wisdom and become catalysts of mythic power, purpose and prosperity in the world.

Here’s a taste of what you will learn & experience during this session …

  • Tap into your intuition and inner wisdom to guide you into the unknown.
  • Let the moon's rhythm provide you with a nourishing, sustaining, natural path to manifest your dreams.
  • Align with the Divine to fully claim your Mythic Essence as the key to birthing the New Earth in a frequency of love.

Connect with Aurora and receive her free gift

What's Your Intuitive Gift?” Quiz

Are you clairvoyant, clairsentient,  claircognizant, or clairaudient? Find out with this fun quiz so you can discover how you receive the messages of your Soul Voice! Plus you'll Receive Tips & 3 Videos To Help You Ignite Your Intuition!

Go Deeper

This is a chance to immerse yourself in Aurora’s sacred work and connect at a deeper level. Only for our community, she is offering her Moon Cycle Magic! course for a very special price.


Right now you can get an ALL ACCESS PASS that includes...

UNLIMITED access of all interviews - audio & video format

Interviews only available for 48 hours without upgrade
($297 Value)

Live, Priestess Activation with Dawn - Online Ceremony

This is an exclusive gathering only for those who upgrade. In sacred space we will gather (online) in order to connect you more deeply with your spiritual gifts and sacred mission!
($147 Value)

Inner Priestess Alchemy

This ceremony was created to let you engage your Inner Priestess. It includes a great deal of support materials, including worksheets and resources to help you cultivate the strength needed during these uncertain and changing times.
($97 Value)

PLUS …. 50% of your investment goes to the Institute of Afrikology©, an organization which I have personally vetted.

50% of your investment goes to the Institute of Afrikology©, an organization which I have personally vetted. This incredible Institute is stewarded by a council of elder women. It serves to empower children and adults to value their African heritage through creativity, education and sustainability. The Institute of Afrikology© is truly a model of New Earth Vision in action!
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