Day 3
Monday, April 4

Want Lifetime Access to This Sacred Series?
Upgrade Now for all Interviews,
Plus Opening & Closing Ceremonies!
Opening Ceremony
Closing Ceremony
Leyolah Antara
Leyolah is known as a pioneer in the field of Divine Feminine embodiment and transformational alchemy. She has a rich life experience as a teacher, creating her own movement healing modality called Kundalini Dance - a tantric alchemical dance practice, and has trained over 200 teachers with facilitators sharing the work in Europe, North America and Australia
Here’s a taste of what you will learn & experience during this session …
- Dissolve barriers to deeper intimacy and connection with others.
- Open to the highest possibilities for your life inside of sexual and romantic relationships.
- Learn skills and practices to deepen your current relationships.
Connect with Leyolah and receive her free gift
“Sacred Inner Union: Calling in the Beloved”
Go Deeper
This is a chance to immerse yourself in Leyolah’s sacred work and connect at a deeper level. Only for our community, she is offering her Sacred Inner Union :: DISSOLVING THE BARRIERS TO GREAT LOVE course for a very special price. You will enter a sacred alchemical crucible to anchor the template for Sacred Union into your body so that you may become deeply grounded in sacred inner union practice that can support you to actualise your highest soul potential inside love and relationships.
Amara Samata
Amara was catapulted into an awakening In 2012, which was followed by 7 months of nearly unbearable bliss. As a result, she’s worked with over 2000 clients internationally, including billionaires, tech giants, couples, spiritual teachers, and world-class coaches.
Here’s a taste of what you will learn & experience during this session …
- Discover the deep reason why knowing and trusting yourself is the first essential key to our collective wellbeing, and how to know yourself and become aware of your behavior.
- Learn why healthy negotiation is the second key to our collective upliftment.
- Gain tips on how to listen and respond with courage when negotiating needs.
Connect with Amara and receive her free gift
“The Core Relationship System” 1 Hour Masterclass
Dr Evelet Sequeira, MD
Dr Evelet is a HEAL YOUR LIFE® International workshop leader, Life Coach, Expressive Arts Therapist with specialization in Sound & Voice Therapy focusing on trauma. Also a Ted X speaker, Evelet speaks of how art healed her childhood sexual trauma and she is writing a book for women to live fulfilled lives.
Here’s a taste of what you will learn & experience during this session …
- Connect with the need for the new earth in this time
- Learn tools to anchor the feminine energy in the body
- Discover how operating from a regulated nervous system leads to more focus and less chaos

Right now you can get an ALL ACCESS PASS that includes...

UNLIMITED access of all interviews - audio & video format
Interviews only available for 48 hours without upgrade
($297 Value)

Live, Priestess Activation with Dawn - Online Ceremony
This is an exclusive gathering only for those who upgrade. In sacred space we will gather (online) in order to connect you more deeply with your spiritual gifts and sacred mission!
($147 Value)

Inner Priestess Alchemy
This ceremony was created to let you engage your Inner Priestess. It includes a great deal of support materials, including worksheets and resources to help you cultivate the strength needed during these uncertain and changing times.
($97 Value)
PLUS …. 50% of your investment goes to the Institute of Afrikology©, an organization which I have personally vetted.