Day 5
Wednesday, April 6

Want Lifetime Access to This Sacred Series?
Upgrade Now for all Interviews,
Plus Opening & Closing Ceremonies!
Opening Ceremony
Closing Ceremony
Sanaa Green
Sanaa is a Divine Feminine spiritual teacher who helps women see their sacred essence through Nature, Sound (Center Her Power Podcast) and Belly Dance. She is a Lemurian Priestess with Tantric orientation, Belly Dance Teacher, Urban Nature Lover, Reiki Master, Feng Shui Consultant, Environmental Educator, Community Activist.
Here’s a taste of what you will learn & experience during this session …
- Find out how Tantra can transmute trauma.
- Discover why Belly Dance is a dance of the Priestess and a somatic way to connect to the Divine Feminine within.
- Learn why black women have unique issues to overcome in the process of ascension.
Connect with Sanaa and receive her free gift
“Transmuting Trauma with Tantra”
Jonita D’Souza
Jonita is a certified Life Coach, NLP Practitioner, Master Hypnotherapist. She is the Creatress of Exploring Femininity Ltd. Combining the teachings of Indian feminine mysticism and shamanism in her work, facilitating monthly moon circles, online workshops and sacred feminine retreats, she assists modern day busy women who struggle with burn-out, overwhelm and body image to reconnect with their feminine and sensual energy.
Here’s a taste of what you will learn & experience during this session …
- Understand the true nature of self-leadership.
- Learn how to build the capacity to hold a bigger vision for your life.
- Explore the question: “how do I BE a woman in such a masculine world?”
Connect with Jonita and receive her free gift
“Return to Your Sacred Portal”
Go Deeper
This is a chance to immerse yourself in Jonita’s sacred work and connect at a deeper level. Only for our community, she is offering her Jade Egg Magic course for a very special price. This 21 days of guided journey to discover your inner source of vitality, pleasure and consciousness. Get LIFETIME ACCESS to leading edge information and insights into a whole new spectrum of feminine sexuality.
Schamet Horsfield
Schamet is a Clairvoyant Oracle, New Paradigm Priestess, Soul Coach, Sacred Depths Transformational Practitioner, & Sacred Divine Feminine Light Leader. She helps clients develop their intuition, psychic gifts, and awaken the sacred divine feminine energy to align to their soul path purpose, in order to birth a new paradigm on Earth.
Here’s a taste of what you will learn & experience during this session …
- Discover ways to awaken the New Earth Paradigm from within.
- Awaken your consciousness in regards to your life purpose connection to the New Earth.
- Learn how to connect with your own psychic potential.
Connect with Schamet and receive her free gift
“Awaken the New Paradigm Light Leader Guidebook & Oracle”
Go Deeper
This is a chance to immerse yourself in Schamet’s sacred work and connect at a deeper level. Only for our community, she is offering her Awaken the Oracle Within 7 Week Intuition & Psychic Development course for a very special price. Learn clairvoyant tools to open/close and clear your intuitive channels.

Right now you can get an ALL ACCESS PASS that includes...

UNLIMITED access of all interviews - audio & video format
Interviews only available for 48 hours without upgrade
($297 Value)

Live, Priestess Activation with Dawn - Online Ceremony
This is an exclusive gathering only for those who upgrade. In sacred space we will gather (online) in order to connect you more deeply with your spiritual gifts and sacred mission!
($147 Value)

Inner Priestess Alchemy
This ceremony was created to let you engage your Inner Priestess. It includes a great deal of support materials, including worksheets and resources to help you cultivate the strength needed during these uncertain and changing times.
($97 Value)
PLUS …. 50% of your investment goes to the Institute of Afrikology©, an organization which I have personally vetted.