Day 6

Thursday, April 7

Want Lifetime Access to This Sacred Series?
Upgrade Now for all Interviews,
Plus Opening & Closing Ceremonies!

Opening Ceremony

Closing Ceremony

Jackie Graves

Jackie has been an educator for over thirty years. Writing her memoir Why We Wake Up: A Story of Stroke, Survival, and the Seven Keys of Soul Liberation was a healing journey that led to her rebirth as a shamanista and priestess. She now helps women heal, empower and activate their voices so they can step out and change the world.

Here’s a taste of what you will learn & experience during this session …

  • Free your voice
  • Find the jewels, treasures, and gifts of your soul
  • Access your power to create anything you want

Connect with Jackie and receive her free gift

Activate Your Voice Meditation

Suzanne Zephyr

Suzanne has been building her experience in the world through roles ranging from a corporate oil trader to a dance & yoga teacher. She has lived & worked in the Middle East and today serves as a teacher & cacao Priestess.

Here’s a taste of what you will learn & experience during this session …

  • The healing power of cacao
  • The medicine of flowers
  • The sanctuary of sisterhood

Connect with Suzanne and receive her free gift

Women are Medicine: Free Cacao Ceremony

Go Deeper

This is a chance to immerse yourself in Suzanne’s sacred work and connect at a deeper level. Only for our community, she is offering her Wild Cacao & Flower Tea Facilitator Training course for a very special price. 

Malika Avani

Malika hails from Singapore and resides now in the jungles of Mexico. She is the founder of The Healing Drum, and is a song-keeper and rhythmic priestess. Malika has traveled the world sharing the resonance of the drum and the deep healing powers of the human voice. For a decade, she traveled the Americas, bridging song lines and deepening her study of tribal rites of reconciliation with Indigenous nations.

Here’s a taste of what you will learn & experience during this session …

  • Discover the power and benefits of drumming for your brain, heart & awakening journey. 
  • Feel into the opportunities that come when you connect to Mother Earth’s heartbeat.
  • Engage a deeper level of Earth connection through sound & rhythm.

Connect with Malika and receive her free gift

Praise to the Land” a song received by Malika Avan


Right now you can get an ALL ACCESS PASS that includes...

UNLIMITED access of all interviews - audio & video format

Interviews only available for 48 hours without upgrade
($297 Value)

Live, Priestess Activation with Dawn - Online Ceremony

This is an exclusive gathering only for those who upgrade. In sacred space we will gather (online) in order to connect you more deeply with your spiritual gifts and sacred mission!
($147 Value)

Inner Priestess Alchemy

This ceremony was created to let you engage your Inner Priestess. It includes a great deal of support materials, including worksheets and resources to help you cultivate the strength needed during these uncertain and changing times.
($97 Value)

PLUS …. 50% of your investment goes to the Institute of Afrikology©, an organization which I have personally vetted.

50% of your investment goes to the Institute of Afrikology©, an organization which I have personally vetted. This incredible Institute is stewarded by a council of elder women. It serves to empower children and adults to value their African heritage through creativity, education and sustainability. The Institute of Afrikology© is truly a model of New Earth Vision in action!
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