How to Create Sacred Rituals for Healing, Empowerment & Renewal

Beloved sister, we are birthing the New Earth.

This birthing is underway now. In this process, we are reclaiming aspects of our humanity which have been lost or dishonored in the rush to some “advanced” future which does not serve life.

The last several years have shown us that the world will never be the same. While many of our sisters and brothers hope to get back to some kind of “new normal”, those of us with hearts aligned to our Soul Mission know that nothing of the kind will ever happen!

There are those who will choose to take the journey to some kind of sci-fi dystopia … And there are those of us who will not. For we chose to live at this time in order to midwife a new consciousness here on Earth. A consciousness which honors life. 

Among us are the star seeds, light workers, ancient Souls, galactic hybrids … and the Priestesses.

Transforming the Field of Consciousness In Sacred Space

As Priestesses, part of our role is to hold a field of energy – sacred possibility – for our families, our communities and in truth, all of life. One very important way we do this is through creating and facilitating ceremonies.

Since ancient times, people have gathered in ceremony to celebrate the cycles of life, support each other through difficulties, and honor the Divine. These ceremonies form the “glue” which keeps a community together.

Sacred space ceremony – whether conducted alone, with a small intimate group, in a public setting and even online – has the power to literally transform the field of consciousness when conducted by someone with the right skills and intention.

Sacred ceremonial practices – as opposed to dogmatic or ritualized religious dictates – is a potent means for returning us to our rightful place as Divine, Loving, Creative Beings. It is a way to re-weave the web of life back to greater wholeness and connection.

The Ceremonial Priestess: An Invitation

The ability to create and conduct ceremonies for healing, empowerment, connection and renewal are valued roles of the Priestess. As we return to our rightful place as holders of the Sacred Field of consciousness, we bring all of this and more to our families and communities.

Now more than ever, the Priestesses RISE because we are most needed

As a trained Ceremonial Priestess of more than 30 years, I have sort of taken it for granted that these skills I acquired at such an early age do not necessarily come naturally. 

There are many, many things I have learned over the years about …

Creating safe and sacred space for all

Coordinating logistics for small & large groups

Conducting solo ceremonies that have potency and deep meaning

And navigating interpersonal interactions such that all feel seen, heard, respected and safe.

These are the reasons why I have been called to offer The Ceremonial Priestess, and I am inviting you to join me for this live training!

Gain the skillls of a Ceremonial Priestess

Dawn is a beautiful example of a holder of divine light, speaking her truth with conviction, love and compassion, and guiding other women to hold reverence for themselves and step into their own Goddess power. It has been an honor working and learning with her. If you are interested in learning how to facilitate ceremonies, whether it is online or in person, this is the course for you. 
Michelle Cummings, Akashic Record Priestess

“Ceremonial Priestess is a powerful journey of connection and remembering. The sisterhood experienced was amplified by the practical tools that Dawn provides which I have had many occasions to use already!” Aubrey

Return to the Temple of the Sacred Feminine

The Ceremonial Priestess course offers you an invitation to return to the Temple of the Sacred Feminine, providing you with information, practice, resources and behind-the-scenes insights on how to conduct ceremonies for all occasions. 

I will be walking you, step-by-step, through every aspect of ceremony creation, something I consider to be nothing less than a sacred feminine mystery skill. 

So whether you want to …

Deepen your connection with the Divine through personal rituals of renewal.

Rewild yourself through reconnection with the seasons and cycles of the year.

Honor our human Rites of Passage such as birth, menarche, marriage, uncoupling, menopause, queen years initiation or death.

Or create a ceremonial group of your own … 

The guidance, insights and practice offered in The Ceremonial Priestess give you what you need to lead with confidence.

Your skills as a Sacred Woman are needed now and they will be needed even more in the months & years ahead. In this course you will learn and strengthen your skills for creating ceremonies of Blessing, Healing, Empowerment & Transformation – for yourself, your family and your community.

“You can expect to walk away from our time together with much more clarity and confidence to lead personal or group ceremonies on your own – and form your own ceremonial group if you so choose.”

Learn to Bless, Empower, Heal & Transform with the Power of Ceremony

Dawn holds this space so lovingly, creating a safe container for women. Being witnessed in sisterhood like this enables us to be the change we want to see.
Claudia Spahr, Founder of Holy Mama

“Working with Dawn validated my desires to bring ceremony into my life.  Her gentle guidance made it easy to learn, the recordings and classes were most beneficial and Dawn provided personal insights, answers, and guidance to everyone. If you want to validate your desires to bring ceremony into your life, or guidance to bring ceremony to others – this is the course!” Adelina, Ordained Priestess, Circle Facilitator, Metaphysical Teacher, Light Worker

Here is What is Included with the Course:

Course Training

You will also receive 5 audio training of 30-60 minute each. These walk you step-by-step through everything you need to know in order to lead ceremonies for yourself, as well as with groups.

Sacred Gatherings

You receive 5 powerful training modules that clarify and support the course materials, plus 2 bonus ceremonies to open and close our time together. These training videos give you the opportunity to receive in sacred space as you cultivate your ability develop your own ceremonies.

The training covers a lot of ground, from topics such as:

How to prepare the physical space for sacred work.

How to create an altar, work with the seasonal holidays and leverage cosmic energies.

The single most important thing you must know when working in the energy realms.

The risks of things like spell-casting and old forms of “magic” practices.

How to honor free-will and still manifest your highest intentions.

Priceless tips for working with the cycles of the moon - and your moon cycles!

How to manage a group in sacred space.

What you need to know in order to ensure emotional and energetic safety for all.

The best way to structure a ceremony for optimal inclusion and power.

And much, much more!

Support Materials

Included in this course is a packet of valuable support materials so that you have everything you need to ensure your confidence in creating ceremonies. 

These materials include the following:

A Ceremony Structure Outline so that you have a clear structure for creating meaningful ceremonies for yourself or for groups.

A Ceremony Creation Template that you can use again and again as you create ceremonies for yourself or co-create with others.

Invocations for casting a sacred space circle - even if you’ve never done it before!

The 4 Directions elements and sacred symbols to give you the foundations for designing a simple altar, or to use as part of circle casting invocations.

Safe container guidelines. This is perhaps the most important information of all! This is for anyone who wishes to lead ceremony with others. It shows you how to lovingly avoid the very real risk of losing safety for the group - or having your own leadership challenged - by wounded attendees who cannot manage their own energies.

PLUS! The Ceremonial Priestess includes Free Bonuses!

Free Bonus #1

Recommended Resources

I’ve put together a comprehensive list of resources which are ideal for the Ceremonial Priestess, including books, websites, and videos.

Free Bonus #2

Meet to Your Inner Priestess

This guided audio journey brings you to the “Middle World” where you will encounter your Priestess Self in order to call in and re-claim the power of your unique, sacred feminine leader qualities.

“Learn to create ceremonies for any occasion, anywhere, any time, with the power to bless and transform yourself and others.”

Like any kind of training, the more you practice and work with the materials, the more you will develop your skills. So I will be encouraging and guiding you to create ceremonies for yourself as part of this journey together.

Cultivate Your Ceremonial Skills


“Each portion of the course was so valuable for me, as the entire process lead me to a part of my journey that I did not expect, but was extremely key for my priestess path of healing.” Amy Clark

“It was such a joy to work with Dawn and connect in this sacred space with so many beautiful souls! I felt such a strong resonance with so much that was brought into these calls and this has led me to go even deeper within to extract my own inner medicine woman. I am truly with gratitude for my time spent amongst such lovely womben.” Christy Ashley

Is This Right For You?

Here’s how you will know if The Ceremonial Priestess is right for you …

You want the skills of a Ceremonial Priestess in order to conduct your own sacred rites or facilitate them for others.

You want support, tools, training and guidance that let you rise into the best version of yourself.

You want a deeper way to honor the important moments of your life in a sacred way.

You’d love to know how to create sacred space for powerful transformation and healing.

You want to grow personally and spiritually – so that you can embody and lead from your feminine strength.

You’d love to know how to shift into sacred space quickly – so you can ride the waves of worldly challenges with greater grace & ease.

Priestess, Mentor & Sacred Feminine Leadership Guide

As a Soul who has walked this beautiful Gaia Earth temple over many, many lives, I have been blessed and tasked with the assignment of mentoring sacred sisters in the arts of the Priestess. There are many of us at this time with similar assignments, and it has been one of my life’s great delights to reunite with so many sacred feminine leaders through my annual, Return of the Priestess series.

My journey began more than 37 years ago. I was a young mom initiated into the mysteries of the ancient feminine ways, along with 5 other sister-mamas. We called ourselves “MotherSpirit” and during our years of spiritual exploration and devotion, we grew into the Priestess Leaders we are today.

 Since then, I have continued to study and implement many sacred, devotional practices. These include Goddess lore, ceremony, intuitive guidance, spiritual counsel, the holy practice of Forgiveness, teachings of the Eastern Masters, tarot & astrology, meditation and prayer. 

The Goddess – the Divine Feminine face of the ONE – has gently navigated me all along the way, to ensure I was ready to stand as teacher-mentor-sister-friend to women for these times now. 


I hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Women’s Studies, and a Master’s Degree in Shamanic Intuitional Practices. I’m also an Evolutionary Astrologer, decades-long professional tarot reader, a certified Neurolinguistic Life Coach, Clinical Hypnotherapist, DreamSculpting® Practitioner and Timeline Trauma Release Coach.

How I Work with Women

Today I bring all of these transformational tools together in order to assist women in healing, clearing and actualizing their Sacred Leadership potential. I do this through retreats, online group mentorship, 1:1 coaching and my Return of the Priestess Online Community.

“Ceremony has been a powerful tool in my spiritual growth and sacred leadership. It is a deep joy to be able to share so many of they skills and practices I’ve used over the course of more than 37 years!”

“This course assisted me with the remembrance of myself as a sacred woman. Dawn weaves together all the necessary elements for a true alchemical process, with humility and love. The ability to co-create with others with the same intention was a potent healing transformation for me. I highly recommend this course to women who wish to embody their own divinity during these times.”
Alia Lito, performing artist, playwright and mom of 2 sons

“After spending, weeks together in the Ceremonial Priestess Course, no one wanted to say goodbye. We learned valuable lessons and most of all we as a group became our own Circle. We were gifted by Dawn in lessons and kinship.”
Angela Gradney

Let’s Review Everything Included with This Course

4 audio trainings

VALUE: $497

5 Recorded Gatherings for practice, context & Q&As

VALUE: $597

FREE BONUS #1: Recommended Resources

VALUE: $57

FREE BONUS #2: Journey to Your Inner Priestess

VALUE: $57


Your Investment: $377


I have put my heart and soul into this course, offering the guidance, knowledge and insights I’ve gained over more than 3 decades as a Ceremonial Priestess.So if you go through the course modules, attend all of the group calls (or listen to the recordings) and you still find that you have not learned anything, you can get a full refund within 30 days.

Receive the guidance, knowledge and insights I’ve gained over 3+ decades as a Ceremonial Priestess.

Frequently Asked Questions

When does this course begin?

Receive instant access to all recordings and course materials as soon as you purchase the course. 

What does the course include?

The Ceremonial Priestess Training Course includes 4 audio training modules, 7 recorded group calls, supplemental training materials, 3 Free Bonuses and the opportunity to create your own ceremonies along with the trainings. 

Can I make payments?

Yes. You have the option to pay in full or split it into 2 payments.

How much time do I need to commit to this training?

In total you can expect to spend about 11 hours over 5.5 weeks in order to go through the course training and group calls.

What if I am a beginner, is this right for me?

Whether you are new to the Priestess path or have a great deal of experience doesn’t matter as much as your intention, openness and resonance with this work. If you feel called and excited about the possibility of learning a host of new skills for creating ceremonies for yourself or others, then by all means, this is for you!

What if I have already been initiated as a Priestess, is this right for me?

Sisters who have initiated in other lineages are welcome. If you feel aligned with my energy and work, and excited about the possibility of learning a host of new skills for creating ceremonies for yourself or others, then yes indeed, this is right for you!

What Subjects are covered in the Course?

Here are the specific areas of focus for this training:

  • The Power, herstory and modern uses for ceremony.
  • How to prepare the physical space for sacred work.
  • How to create an altar, work with the seasonal holidays and leverage cosmic energies.
  • What to be aware of when facilitating ceremony for others.
  • Key areas of caution when working with energy in the group or solo setting.
  • How to create ceremonies for yourself.
  • How to create and deliver ceremonies for the public, for holidays and rites of passage.
  • How to create ceremonies of power for intensive, small groups, closed groups and retreats. 
  • The single most important thing you must know when working in the energy realms.
  • The risks of things like spell-casting and old forms of “magic” practices.
  • How to honor free-will and still manifest your highest intentions.
  • Priceless tips for working with the cycles of the moon – and your moon cycles!
  • How to manage a group in sacred space.
  • What you need to know in order to ensure emotional and energetic safety for all.
  • And much, much more!

“Being able to study with Dawn from day one has always turned out to be more than I expected because she gave me what I needed to learn and not just what I wanted.  Ceremonial Priestess is a course that teaches you how to hold space with tradition and love, always leaving room for the spark of magic that come from gatherings like Dawn’s.  I’m blessed to have her as my teacher and mentor.  She knows her stuff!” Tamera Standerfer

“If you have a ceremonial self that lives deep in your bones, this Ceremonial Priestess course will awaken your remembrance. The instructions are lovingly transmitted, clear and concise. Dawn comes with a full heart and without ego…a real priestess.” Vivian Powers

“Accessible, Heart Opening and Deeply Connecting…this is the essence of Dawn’s Ceremonial Priestess program. It was amazing to step into each session as part of a global community of women guided by Dawn. Her offering is ultimately the re-membering and re-calling of the ancient, primal Feminine wisdom that resides deep within each of us.” Amanda Sebris

“I loved the Ceremonial Priestess Training for the sheer fact that it brought women from around the globe together! Dawn creates a container for deep discussion. She understands that ceremony looks different for each individual, with one constant, a safe space for all.” Michelle Loftin

© 2025

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