1:1 Tarot or Soul Astrology Reading

For Additional Support as you download and integrate these Codes, you may want to take advantage of a 1:1 Tarot or Soul Astrology Reading. Below you will find information and access links to purchase one or both types of sessions with me.

Soul Astrology Foundation Session

Gain clarity about your Soul’s unique “blueprint” for easier integration of the Code sets and your life path, overall.

This package includes a pre-session, astrological intake form, and 13 minute prep video where I explain some basic principles of astrology that will let you make the most of our work together.

In our 90 minute session, we will explore the following areas in order to support you in establishing a solid foundation for grounding the Divine Mother Light Codes into your being and support your Soul-intentions for your incarnation:

Discover the Journey of your Soul, as revealed in your astrological birth chart, including the gifts, skills and abilities you came with, as well as the challenges you intended to master in this incarnation.

Identify the patterns of thought, behavior or belief which may be blocking you, so you can transform unconscious conditioning into wise decision-making.

Determine your areas of “flow” and how to leverage them for making empowered choices.

Understand your unique, Inner Priestess Voice, and give yourself permission to let Her guide you, so you can bring your gifts to the world!

Your Session is recorded so you can refer back to it whenever needed.

Investment: $375 – $100 =


Intuitive Tarot Session

These 1:1 sessions with Dawn are ideal for you if you…

Seek clarity about a specific issue or challenge you are facing

Are undergoing major or uncertain changes in one or more area of life

Need to make an important decision that will impact your future

Want to gain a “big picture” view of the coming 6-12 months

In our 55 minute session I will use the tarot as a spring-board to help you gain clarity about important decisions or challenges you are facing.

Accessing both my own higher guidance and 38 years of tarot knowledge, these sessions let you walk away with clarity and support for your next best step and highest outcome.

Investment: $157 – 10% =


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