Congratulations! You’re Signed Up!
For additional support, you may want to take
advantage of one of these private support packages.

(3) 1 Hour Private Sessions

3 x 1 hour private sessions with Dawn to be used at mentee’s discretion between June 23, 2023 and July 18, 2024.

Investment: $333

(5) 1 Hour Private Sessions

5 x 1 hour private sessions with Dawn to be used at mentee’s discretion between June 23, 2023 and July 18, 2024.

Investment: $485 or 2 Payments of $250

(7) 1 Hour Private Sessions

7 x 1 hour private sessions with Dawn to be used at mentee’s discretion between June 23, 2023 and July 18, 2024.

Investment: $644 or 3 Payments of $220

(10) 1 Hour Private Sessions

10 x 1 hour private sessions with Dawn to be used at mentee’s discretion between June 23, 2023 and July 18, 2024.

Investment: $900 or 4 Payments of $229

© 2024

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