A Private Online Sancuary to Nourish Your Spiritual Strength

Deepen Your Sacred Practices in a Supportive Community of Sisters
I am grateful you are here, for it means that you too feel the call to more deeply unfold the Priestess within you – in a community removed from the old matrix.
The next wave of Awakening on Earth is underway, and the massive changes as we shift from 3D to 5D will be challenging for those who are not prepared. There is a great need among humanity for the wisdom, stability and healing tools of the Priestess.
Now is the time to prepare ourselves and support each other. We have to be fully aligned with our Higher Self and Soul Purpose so that we may serve others as they heal and re-member their own light.

No (Womb)man is an Island – the Power of Community!

Over the past 2+ years, many of us have come to discover the real value of community. Isolation has shown us just how crucial connection really is. This is a time for us to ensure we create meaningful relationships with those who support our highest vision for ourselves.
After all that we’ve been through as a human family, it’s clear … we need each other. This is not the time to be alone or adrift. Now, more than ever, we need sister-kin to walk the path of the Sacred Feminine with courage and love.
As the old saying goes, ”No (womb)man is an island.” Which is why I’m inviting you to join us.
Join our Sisterhood in Sacred Space!
Join us now
$35/Month or $375/year
Just $375/year
Just $35/MONTH

Bye-Bye Big Brother!
Let’s face it: Big-Tech has become Big Brother. No longer are the old platforms like Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, etc. places for us to share our heart’s truth without concern of our data being mined or our voices being censored.
Many of those who have been preparing the way for the New Earth are no longer allowed to question the dominant paradigm, or advocate for human and health sovereignty. We are edited, put in “Facebook jail” or deplatformed altogether.
And while the Priestess community as a whole has not yet come under the gaze of the “all seeing eye,” by continuing to let our heart’s intimate truths be “mined” for marketing purposes we do not serve the Light of 5-D consciousness.
Which is why I have chosen to build community off of these big-tech-big-brother platforms.

Here’s How Our New Community Works …
The way we interact here is a bit like Facebook-meets-Youtube, offering community, communication and connection! Here you’ll find …

A “newsfeed” like the kind you may be familiar with on Facebook

A place for you to create your own private page, including pictures, posts and links to things you’d like to share.

Many topics to explore under the “topics” and “Interests” section.

2x/monthly LIVE, online events where we can actually interact with each other.

And courses you can purchase at special rates, as a community member.
You can post on your own page, engage in topics of interest with other sisters, build connections through shared interests, watch many of my videos and register to attend the live streams which are included in your membership.
Join our Sisterhood in Sacred Space!
Join us now
$35/Month or $375/year
Just $375/year
Just $35/MONTH

Investing In Sisterhood for Powerful Returns
Each month, you get fresh new content with multiple, ongoing forms of guidance and support for flowing with the shifts and changes underway here on Earth.
Included in your membership are two monthly livestreams where we connect as a community, plus guided meditations, mantras, prayers, invocations and periodic courses at special, community member prices.
All of this is to support you as you navigate the massive changes we are facing at both the personal and collective levels.
Your Monthly Membership Includes:
Two Live Streams Each Month
We will gather twice monthly for ceremony, the transmission of messages from Divine Mother, spiritual insights and a Q&A period, in order to feel and offer the loving support of sisterhood and create a vessel through which Divine Power can flow. This is the potent, “Lift as we RISE” connection – made more powerful through intimate connection via zoom.
A Monthly Guided Meditation
Each month, at or around the NEW MOON, you will receive a fresh new guided meditation related to the energies most activated in the field. I will draw from astrological influences, global events and the Guidance of Divine Mother in order to help us all walk together through the changes, challenges and blessings of these times.
A New Mantra, Prayer or Invocation Each Month
In addition to your monthly meditation, you’ll also get a new mantra, prayer or invocation to work with in order to deepen your self-understanding and connect with the energies most active. (Note: A mantra is a word, sound or short phrase to repeat which helps you develop concentration and relaxation.)
Sacred Sisterhood Community – 24/7!
As you deepen on your sacred path – tracking changes, having “aha!” moments, and facing challenges – you have a sisterhood to turn to for your own awakening journey. You can share with others in the general forum, or search specific, spiritual topics of interest where you can engage and grow with others.
Special Pricing for Courses
As a member of our community, you will have access to any online course I develop at a 10% discount. This includes my current offering as well as those yet to be developed. (Note: This excludes MotherSpirit 13 Moon Priestess Training and retreats.)
PLUS! You Also Have Access to …
In addition to community, live streams, fresh new content, and special pricing for online courses, our members have access to my new, Priestess Self-Study Starter Course.
Choose Your Best Option!
Join us now
$35/Month or $375/year
Just $375/year
Just $35/MONTH

About Dawn DelVecchio, MA
Priestess, Mentor &
Sacred Feminine Leadership Guide
My journey began more than 35 years ago. I was a young mom initiated into the mysteries of the ancient feminine ways, along with 5 other sister-mamas. We called ourselves “MotherSpirit” and during our years of spiritual exploration and devotion, we grew into the Priestess Leaders we are today.
Since then, I have continued to study and implement many sacred, devotional practices. These include Goddess lore, ceremony, intuitive guidance, spiritual counsel, tarot & astrology, meditation, prayer and a devoted practice of A Course in Miracles principles.
The Goddess – the Divine Feminine face of the ONE – has been gently navigating me to be ready to stand as teacher-mentor-sister-friend to women for these times now.
I hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Women’s Studies, and a Master’s Degree in Shamanic Intuitional Practices. I’m also a professionally certified Neurolinguistic Life Coach, Clinical Hypnotherapist, DreamSculpting® Practitioner and Timeline Trauma Release Coach.
How I Work with Women
Today I bring all of these transformational tools together in order to assist women in healing, clearing and actualising their Sacred Leadership potential. I do this through retreats, online group mentorship, 1:1 coaching and my Return of the Priestess, online community.
Is this Right For You?
First of all, I guess you have to relate with me, because I’m your host 🙂 And while I’m not perfect, I know you’ll feel my heart and soul throughout the materials and transmission I bring to this community.
You’ll also know this is right for you if …

Cultivate Your Inner Priestess in a Safe, Sacred, Powerful Community of Like-Minded Sisters
Join us now
$35/Month or $375/year
Just $375/year
Just $35/MONTH

Membership Terms
You are free to choose either a monthly or annual membership. You can cancel your monthly membership at any time simply by writing to my assistant and sister-Priestess Lorree at: support@dawndelvecchio.com and requesting cancellation.
We do not offer refunds for annual memberships or previous months, but we will cancel your subscription with no questions asked and no hard feelings!
Let’s Review EVERYTHING YOU GET – Instantly! – When You Join the Return of the Priestess Community Today:

Total Value – $478.00
You pay $35 per month or $375 for the year when you join today!
Choose Your Best Option
Just One Payment of $477
Just $375/year
Just $35/MONTH
Empowerment, Growth & Community
I’m putting my heart, soul and dollars into making this community a safe, inclusive, powerful place for sacred women like you to find solace, support and empowerment for your Soul’s Mission.
Have More Questions?
What is the Return of the Priestess Membership?
Is this Membership right for me?
What if I want to cancel my membership?
If you decide our Priestess community isn’t for you, you can cancel any time. Just contact Lorree at support@dawndelvecchio.com and we will cancel your subscription. No questions asked. No hard feelings. Upon cancellation, you will no longer have access to the portal or our twice-monthly livestream events.
How is the Return of the Priestess Community accessed?
How much of my time will this require each month?
Is this space right for me if I don’t have a spiritual practice yet?
What if I can’t finish all the content each month?
I already walk as Priestess in my life, does this community have anything more for me?
Yes! I’m Ready to Step into this Sacred Sisterhood!
Join us now
$35/Month or $375/year
Just $375/year
Just $35/MONTH
Questions? Contact Us