Gain Reach & Impact for Your Soul-Aligned Calling – Without Years of Effort

Rapidly Build Your Audience with a Proven, Step-by-Step Method

Deliver Your Sacred Gifts with Greater Ease, Grace and Abundant Returns

The World Needs Your Gifts Now

We are living in a profound and unique time here on planet Earth. It is a time of transition from an old consciousness of disconnection and fear, to one of empowered healing and awakening.

Whether you are a healer, way-shower, mentor, guide, mystic or truth-teller, your gifts are a priceless contribution to this “Great Awakening,” and we need you now. The question is:

How will you reach the many Souls seeking your unique offerings?

In today’s noisy online world, being seen or heard (having reach & impact) with your divinely guided, soul-aligned service is no easy task. That’s why many spiritual practitioners & light leaders have been “hiding in the wings,” so to speak, delivering life-transforming services, yet without the Soul-deep satisfaction and abundance that greater reach provides.

After all, where can you find the time to build a Youtube, Instagram or Facebook following when you are busy doing the work?

Why YOU, Why Now?

There has been no more important time on our planet for the soulful, sacred healers and helpers. The marketplace for sacred services has never had so much demand.

Leading a summit without tricky marketing, hard-core pushing or inauthentic promises is the fastest way to catapult your reach and impact to the next level.

REAL Reach, Impact & Income through Service

I struggled with this very dilemma for years before I accepted the fact that if I didn’t do something different – something with real reach and impact – I would continue to help only a few people while having to support myself doing “work” that didn’t align with my Soul’s true intention for this life.

The answer came to me as a summit: a speaker series or online conference which rapidly up-leveled my life and business beyond my wildest dreams!

I had never experienced that kind of personal, professional or financial success in my life. My summit launched my Soul-aligned services quicker than any amount of social media posting ever could.

If I Can Do It, You Can Too!

The beloved friend and teacher who guided me through developing my first summit passed from this realm several years ago. In her wake she left a gap – a giant expanse on many levels. One of them was an absence of summit training courses that were heartful (rather than the hyper-pushy, old-skool marketing blueprints that do not align with the spiritual practitioner.)

Still, given the nature of my services, I had no plans of teaching others how to run such an event … until the conclusion of my 3rd, wildly successful summit.

That’s when several heartful leaders approached me for help. THIS was my answer …

Sacred Summit Training

How to Gain Reach & Impact for Soul-Aligned Success

Sacred Summit Training is my answer to light-leaders like you who are seeking more reach, impact and success with your gifts. In this 8 Module course, I walk you through every step you must take in order to deliver a powerful, life-changing online event.

A Proven Model for Reach, Service & Success in 8 Clear Steps

The Sacred Summit Training Course consists of 8 comprehensive modules of step-by-step training. I take away all of the guesswork for you, walking you through each essential step you must take in order to deliver a successful, low-stress summit. 

In addition, this course includes a robust packet of done-for-you templates so that you do not have to “reinvent the wheel”. These copy-n-paste documents can be easily modified for your unique voice and offerings.

Sacred Summit Training gives you the means of generating $3000-$5000 (or more!) in immediate revenue, while rapidly building a list of followers for long-term financial gain

Gain greater reach, impact & success with this proven formula – specially-made for Soulful Messengers!

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Here’s What You can Expect from Sacred Summit Training …

Rapid Reach & Impact

If you don’t want to take years building a following, or spend 10s of $1000s on ads and marketing, then delivering a summit or online conference is the best way to go.

Generate Immediate Revenue

When done correctly, you can expect to generate anywhere from $3000 in immediate revenue to as much as $8000 – or more!

Build a Client List for Long-Term Abundance

List-builds of 1,000-2,000 are common with a mediocre summit. When you dial in the important details however, you can expect to add as many as 5000 or more new list members who are aligned with and seeking the offerings you are here to deliver.

Learn Once, Repeat

Once you follow the steps and complete your first summit, you will be able to use the model again and again, modifying it for your style, your service, and your ideal audience!

Take the Guesswork Out

Developing a summit involves many moving parts. There are many who have perfected the system so that you don’t waste time guessing, doing things in the wrong order, or otherwise wasting your precious time and energy.

Find the Relief you Seek by Finally Answering the Call of your Soul

The Soul does not sleep. Nor does it settle for a life less purposeful or meaningful than intended. We no longer live in the era of basic survival. For those of us who have come with a Soul-deep mission to fulfill, settling for survival simply cannot work.

Get Free on Unaligned “Work” Just to Pay the Bills

Unless and until we follow our conviction – the signals from our Soul – to fulfill our destiny, we will be relegated to making ends meet via meaningless or Soul-sucking jobs. If you are reading this, that path is not (or no longer) for you!

Make Personal and Professional Alliances with Luminaries in your Field

When you make heartfelt connections with other luminaries in your field, you gain the benefit of trusted recommendations, collaborations and other ways of serving which may be currently out of reach.

Serve as your Soul intended

Gain the Soul-deep satisfaction of serving customers and clients in the way you most desire.

Become a Trusted Thought Leader in Your Space

Hosting a summit does more than expand your reach, it uplevels your visibility among other Light & Thought Leaders. For those in genuine service, becoming a trusted thought leader is essential for personal satisfaction and professional success.

Fulfill your Soul-aligned calling without spinning your business wheels, wasting time on ineffective marketing, or playing the guessing game.

Start Your Sacred Summit Training Today!

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Who Am I?

Dawn DelVecchio, MA is dedicated to her role as ascension guide and priestess, serving women and men who choose to hold the light of LOVE in these times.

I am the host and creatrix of 4 highly successful Return of the Priestess summits. I am also the lineage bearer of the MotherSpirit Priestess line, co-founder of the free, Prayers for Humanity monthly gatherings, and the author of the Amazon #1 best-selling book for women in business: Spirit, Mind & Money.

My first speaker summit, held in the spring of 2020, was a stunning success, building my email list and following from zero to more than 5000 aligned Souls. I also generated over $20,000 in revenue, donating more than $8,000 of that to a vetted charitable cause.

From this launchpad, I was able to finally deliver my years of self-mastery tools – giving me the reach and impact I longed for at a Soul level.  (Each of the following summits matched the first, with big list-builds, solid revenue, and generous “give-backs” to charity.)

Today, as the energies of ascension accelerate, I am able to continue to bring forward Higher Guidance through my cultivated skills as channel, priestess, astrologer, and ascension guide. In this way I can now support many others in rising above the old limitations and fears in order to lead in the light of Love for planetary awakening.

Your Most Important Questions Answered …

During this training I walk you through the most important questions asked by those who have never hosted a summit (or had invested in other training programs that were incomplete).

Here are just a few of the topics we cover …

How to set-up a sane & workable timeframe to plan and implement your transformational online event.

How to package and price your summit so that it pays for itself – and pays you too!

How to compose your invitations so that your dream-guests want to speak!

The most important questions to ask when you interview your experts.

What you MUST consider when planning a post-summit offer so that saying “Yes!” is a no-brainer for your new list members.

And so much more …

Here’s What You’ll Learn:

Module 1 Getting Started – Your Step-by-Step for Success

Module 1 gives you a Comprehensive Overview of everything you will need, decisions you must make, and organization you’ll want to put in place in order to set yourself up for success. Included in module 1 are details on different variations of summits, how to choose the ideal topic so that you draw your ideal audience, challenges and pitfalls you’ll want to avoid, the big-picture overview of your essential steps, the overall structure, goal-setting for focus and success, and much, much more.

In This Module You Get…

A 40 minute video training walking you through the big picture of a summit and what you need to know first.

A 1 hour audio version of the training module which includes a Q&A segment to answer your burning questions.

A downloadable worksheet to map out your summit goals and intentions.

Module 2 Inviting Your Experts

In module 2 we focus on Inviting Your Expert Speakers. This step alone can obstruct summit-creators from success. Discover how to avoid that pitfall during this session. Module 2 includes the following topics: Building your ideal speaker list, crafting your introduction and “Speaker 1-Sheet,” approaching renowned luminaries & getting past their “gate-keepers,” crafting personalized invitations, tracking & on-boarding speakers. Plus five done-for-you templates for communication and tracking!

In This Module You Get…

A video training with insights and details to help you invite your most ideal speakers in a way that inspires them to join you.

A audio version of this training module, including a Q&A segment covering key questions about this module’s focus.

5 done-for-you templates to help you invite your potential summit speakers. This includes pre-written emails and a sample “Host One-Sheet” to introduce you to your potential speakers in a way that positions you as an expert from the get-go.

An easy-to-reproduce template for your “Speaker Agreement Form” so you don’t have to stress about how to set up and communicate the terms of their participation.

A Speaker Outreach & Tracking template so you never lose sight of the needed touch-points and onboarding process with your speakers.

2 additional audios on how to conduct your preliminary interview with a potential speaker, and insider insights on the challenges and opportunities of  interacting with your expert speakers.

Module 3 Putting the Pieces Together

During our 3rd module, I help you put everything in place for your sanity during the development and delivery of your summit. I call this the Timeline Planning module, because that’s exactly what I ensure you have: A sane and logical timeline so that you take the correct steps in the correct order without missing a beat. Included in module 3 are another five done-for-you templates in order to stay on-task and on-time. For the right-brained or very busy Soul, this module alone will bring you peace of mind!

In This Module You Get…

A video training that walks you through every step you must take for organizational sanity.

A audio version of this training module, including a Q&A segment covering key questions about this module’s focus.

5 master documents for your use so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel or worry about losing track of your progress.

Module 4 Developing Your Marketing Materials

Module 4 focuses on How to Develop & Organize your Marketing Materials. This includes your promotional or “opt-in” page, your sales page, your email sequences, your speaker swipe copy (the materials your speakers will use to promote your event to their communities), your daily pages, and more. I walk you through the most logical and successful way to structure all of the above. Also included are four done-for-you templates, plus an audio on how to price your summit and a video overview for the opt-in page content. For those who don’t love copywriting, this module is a goddess-send!

In This Module You Get…

A video training that provides you with key marketing insights about all the pieces of promotional material you will be developing.

A audio version of this training module, including a Q&A segment covering key questions about this module’s focus.

4 professionally written and done-for-you templates so you can simply insert your summit’s relevant information – without having to write your promotional materials from scratch.

2 audios that walk you through how to price and sell your summit in order to ensure you gain immediate ROI on your investment.

Module 5 Your Team & Their Tasks

Module 5 is all about Your Team. A summit is not something you can do as a solo operator. There are just too many moving parts to go this alone. That being said, you don’t have to spend a fortune or manage a bunch of personalities. I have run my summits as a 3-woman operation: myself, my tech support, and my speaker/customer support. You will get to hear from both of these stellar women, giving you detailed specifics on their roles, the most important things you must know, and typical issues you may encounter before and during the summit. We also guide you on how to find the right team members for you. Included are written-for-you speaker support email samples.

In This Module You Get…

A video training that lets you hear directly from the professionals who have supported me in launching my summits. This insightful conversation lets you know exactly what will be needed on the back-end in order to ensure your summit’s success.

A audio version of this training module, including a Q&A segment covering key questions about this module’s focus.

A professionally written, speaker liaison email template for your assistant to use for corresponding with your speakers and their assistants.

Module 6 The Interviews 

Engaging, info-packed interviews is the heart of your summit, and there are many ways to go about it. That’s why Module 6 focuses on your Expert Interviews. During this module you will learn everything you need to know in order to conduct smooth, heartful, potent interviews that transform listener’s lives and build valuable professional connections for you. This module covers every detail you need, including the pre-record connection with your expert, creative options for interviews and presentations, balancing questions with flow, speaker free and paid offers, and ensuring you have what you need for post-interview promotional write-ups that get attendees to click and watch!

In This Module You Get…

A video training that guides you through everything you need in order to conduct smooth, heartful, potent interviews that transform listener’s lives and build valuable professional connections for you.

A audio version of this training module.

Module 7 The Promotional Period

Module 7 takes you through a comprehensive walk-through of your Promotional Period. You will learn and develop all the materials necessary in order to successfully – and sanely – promote the event for wide reach and large list build. Training includes promotional avenues, speaker promo tracking, tracking leads and sales, troubleshooting for both speakers and customers, and writing your daily pages and daily emails. Plus, you also receive a done-for-you template for building out your daily pages, along with a list of other promotional ideas.

In This Module You Get…

A step-by-step video training to walk you through the entire promotional period so you can successfully – and sanely – promote the event for wide reach and large list build.

A audio version of this training module, including a Q&A segment covering key questions about this module’s focus.

A done-for-you, daily pages template to cut, paste and insert your summit information.

A downloadable PDF with a list of other effective promotional ideas to ensure you bring in as many attendees as possible.

Module 8 The Summit Run + Post-Summit Must-Knows

Finally … we arrive at your actual event window! Module 8 covers both the Summit Run + Post-Summit Considerations. Included in this module are the following topics: how long to make each interview available; the possible inclusion of a live opening and/or closing ceremony, establishing your authority and heartful connection with the audience, daily management of your social media platforms, encouraging speakers to participate in energizing the summit through social engagement, typical customer service issues/trouble-shooting, the replay period, a closing event and the essential, post-summit actions to take. Included in Module 8 is a post-summit survey template and a post-summit launch plan guide.

In This Module You Get…

A video training that gives you important options and consideration for your actual summit run so that you can make clear, easy decisions about how to best serve your audience.

A audio version of this training module.

A post summit launch plan document to support you in clarifying how you will serve your new email lists and generate revenue quickly.

A done-for-you, post summit survey sample that you can modify for your expertise, then send to your new list members so you know more about what they love and want from you moving forward.

Get Sacred Summit Training Today!

Take all the strain & guesswork out of building & delivering a summit with this easy-to-follow training program.

Choose from these 3 easy-pay options:

Here’s What You Get …

8 comprehensive training module

Provided to you in both video and audio format, these modules walk you, step-by-step, from inception to post-summit action-steps. Not only will you learn how to build and deliver a summit from soup-to-nuts, you also get my insider tips, suggestions and proven best-practices for running it smoothly and headache-free!

Specific action step assignments so that you are actually building your summit as you learn.

Each module leaves you with specific steps to take so that you are building your summit as you go. With more than 25 done-for-you templates, guidelines, and supplemental walk-through audios, much of the “work” is already done for you. This lets you focus on the most important tasks of reach and connection with speakers, audience and customers.

A robust packet of done-for-you templates so that you do not have to reinvent the wheel.

This includes speaker outreach emails, tracking spreadsheets, onboarding processes, agreement forms, intake forms and the all-important, speaker introduction 1-sheet so that you can approach luminaries in your field with the utmost confidence. In addition, you have access to multiple audio supplements that cover details often missed in other courses and programs.

Timelines & Check-lists to keep you on-task and anxiety free

After delivering multiple summits it was clear that staying sane meant being clear about my timelines, task lists and delegation. Few summit training programs provide you with this level of specificity for ensuring you attend to all the moving parts without pulling your hair out in the process!

Copywriting guidance and samples

As a professional marketing copywriter of 14+ years, what I have learned is that it’s not just what you say, but how you say it. How to speak from the heart to the audience YOU are best designed to serve is an artform which few master. This is why I could command $5000+ for a single sales page. It’s also why I’ve added a very special piece of the summit puzzle to this training which few others are qualified to include. Not only do you get copy templates and guidance for your promotional pages and emails, you also get specific handouts on how to organize your copy for best effect – and maximal sanity.

Pricing, Up-Sells, Down-sells & ROI on Your Investment

How can you price your summit bundle before, during and after the event in order to pay yourself back for your investment? What other ways might you be able to generate revenue from your event while still providing incredibly high value for free to those who need your help but don’t have funds to invest? We go over these options in great detail within the training.

Your Support Team

Learn what and how to delegate so that you honor your own time and energy boundaries. With all the moving parts required for a summit, having a team is essential. I have managed to run multiple summits of 30 speakers each with a team of 3 (including myself). Team does not have to be expensive, as long as you know what to delegate and to whom you must delegate it. In Module 5 you will hear directly from the two other women who support me during my summits. Find out exactly what tasks they take on and how much time it takes. There’s absolutely no need to overpay for under-delivery of services when you know what you need and the skillsets of the team required.

Your Post-Summit Actions

Leading a summit is an initiation – and a significant one at that! Once you have completed your first one, you will have an entirely new perspective on yourself, your business and your skill sets. But the end of your summit is the just beginning of your mission at the next level. That’s why I’ve included Module 8, where we unpack next steps and vision for moving forward, once you have built your list and completed your summit.

What’s This Worth?

√ 8 training modules in both video & audio format.

Value: $3000

√ 13 done-for you copywriting templates for promoting your summit.

Value: $2000

√ 11 organizational templates to keep you on-task, on-time & sane!

Value: $1000

√ 5 bonus audios covering details missed in other training programs.

Value: Priceless!

Total Value: $6000       

Your Investment: $2100

*Keep in mind that current summit training programs can run from $2500-$6000 or more.

Gain greater reach, impact & success with this proven formula – specially-made for Soulful Messengers!

Choose from these 3 easy-pay options:

© 2024

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