Online Temple
3-Part Offering
(SAVE $256!)

We all need sanctuary in these times. A place to go where we know that our deepest awarenesses, yearnings, joys and truths are safe to be shared and expressed.
In this free, online temple offering for women, we will gather LIVE in sacred space to unfold what we each need at this next juncture of ascension acceleration on Earth.
At a time of rapid change, those who have come to midwife New Earth need the support of each other. We need sanctuary for strength, fortitude and renewal.
Why Sanctuary? Why Now?
Many of us have been called – or will yet be called – to greater levels of response-ability as midwives of our beloved, planetary re-birthing. These new levels of service will be physical, psychological and energetic/spiritual.
Our own self-care in the sanctity of sacred feminine space is essential if we are to walk and lead with love.
Return of the Priestess IV: Sanctuary of the Feminine is unlike previous speaker series. In this year’s container, YOU are at the center, where you will be received and held in the sacred Temple of Sisterhood.
In these live, online gatherings, you will receive nourishment, support and rest with sisters from around the world. We gather in communion for renewal, so that you may gather strength, encouragement and guidance for wherever your path calls.

This Is For You If…

You know that you are here to be in service during this great awakening on our planet.

You feel weary from the amount of conflict, fear & divisiveness on Earth over the past 4 years.

You are ready to rejuvenate yourself in a safe & Soul-nourishing container of sisters.

You want to clear any remaining conflicts, stress or “karmic knots” in your personal life.

You are committed to moving beyond old limits, into the Light Field of higher consciousness.

What You Can Expect
This is an invitation to Sanctuary – to safe and sacred space – where Mother is honored, your heart is honored, your voice, and your feminine womb are honored.
During each session I drop into connection with Divine Mother to bring through a transmission of energy and guidance for all of us, based on 3 interconnected themes.
Our Themes:

Maintaining inner peacefulness as the ascension energies quicken.

Trusting ourselves as we embody our deepest truths.

Serving as energy midwives for New Earth birthing within and around us.
Our sessions are intended to serve as a container for deeper self-awareness, support and empowerment during these times of accelerating intensity on Earth.
All sessions include channeled transmissions from Dawn.

Online temple offering for women
$333 VALUE
(SAVE $256!)

“Dawn holds this space so lovingly, creating a safe container for women. Being witnessed in sisterhood like this enables us to be the change we want to see.“
Claudia Spahr, Founder of Holy Mama https://holymama.info
“Working with Dawn validated my desires to bring ceremony into my life. Her gentle guidance made it easy to learn, the recordings and classes were most beneficial and Dawn provided personal insights, answers, and guidance to everyone. If you want to validate your desires to bring ceremony into your life, or guidance to bring ceremony to others – this is the course!” Adelina, Ordained Priestess, Circle Facilitator, Metaphysical Teacher, Light Worker

“Dawn is a beautiful example of a holder of divine light, speaking her truth with conviction, love and compassion, and guiding other women to hold reverence for themselves and step into their own Goddess power. It has been an honor working and learning with her.”
Michelle Cummings, Akashic Record
Priestess www.akashicrecordpriestess.com

Priestess, Mentor & Sacred Feminine Leadership Guide
As a Soul who has walked this beautiful Gaia Earth temple over many, many lives, I have been blessed and tasked with the assignment of mentoring sacred sisters in the arts of the Priestess. There are many of us at this time with similar assignments, and it has been one of my life’s great delights to reunite with so many sacred feminine leaders through my annual, Return of the Priestess series.
My journey began more than 37 years ago. I was a young mom initiated into the mysteries of the ancient feminine ways, along with 5 other sister-mamas. We called ourselves “MotherSpirit” and during our years of spiritual exploration and devotion, we grew into the Priestess Leaders we are today.
Since then, I have continued to study and implement many sacred, devotional practices. These include Goddess lore, ceremony, intuitive guidance, spiritual counsel, the holy practice of Forgiveness, teachings of the Eastern Masters, tarot & astrology, meditation and prayer.
The Goddess – the Divine Feminine face of the ONE – has gently navigated me all along the way, to ensure I was ready to stand as teacher-mentor-sister-friend to women for these times now.
I hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Women’s Studies, and a Master’s Degree in Shamanic Intuitional Practices. I’m also an Evolutionary Astrologer, decades-long professional tarot reader, a certified Neurolinguistic Life Coach, Clinical Hypnotherapist, DreamSculpting® Practitioner and Timeline Trauma Release Coach.
How I Work with Women
Today I bring all of these transformational tools together in order to assist women in healing, clearing and actualizing their Sacred Leadership potential. I do this through retreats, online group mentorship, 1:1 coaching and my Return of the Priestess Online Community.

Questions? Contact Us