Speaker Promo Vault

Quick Reference Links

  • Promotional Copy
    • Promotional Email Swipe Option #1
    • Promotional Email Swipe Option #2
    • Encore Email
    • Newsletter Blurb Swipes (2 Options)
    • Facebook Blurbs (3 Options)
    • Instagram Blurbs (4 Options)
    • Tweets (4 Options)


Blessings, Dears Sister Priestesses!

Thank you for choosing to bring your voice to Return of the Priestess III. Truly it is a joy to co-create this sacred (and timely!) event with you.

All you need to support and promote your placement as a speaker can be found below.

NOTE: The promotional period begins MARCH 18 and goes through MARCH 31st. The series begins on April 1st with a LIVE opening ceremony at 11am US pacific, 2pm eastern, 7pm London; 5am on the 2nd, Sydney. You are MOST welcome to join us for the opening!

May this collective effort reach and serve 10s of thousands of awakening women worldwide, that we may birth our NEW EARTH with grace, ease and love.

Blessed Be,

Bookmark this page for easy access to:

√ Your Speaker Link

√ Solo Copy Email & Newsletter Blurb

√ Social Media Posts

Private Facebook Group

We have a Private Facebook where speakers can interact with our audience if you so choose. By doing so, you create a deeper connection with those who resonate with your teachings and message.

We encourage you to engage. Please let Lorree or Dawn know if you would like to go live prior to your interview in order to encourage others to watch and connect with you!

Official Hashtags

Official Series Hashtag: #ReturnofthePriestess

Other Hashtags:



Day 0 (Friday, April 1)

LIVE Opening Ceremony & Sound Healing with Dawn & Malika Avani

Day 1 (Saturday, April 2)

Speaker 1: Emmi Mutale
Speaker 2: Juliet Gaia
Speaker 3: Alicia Kusumitra

Day 2 (Sunday, April 3)

Mama Yaa Ashantewaa Ngidi, Visionary/Founder of the Institute of AFRIKOLOGY, Kwazulu Natal, South Africa

Day 3 (Monday, April 4)

Speaker 1: Leyolah Antara
Speaker 2: Amara Samata
Speaker 3: Dr. Evalet Sequiera

Day 4 (Tuesday, April 5)

Speaker 1: Jet’aime Cheree
Speaker 2: Laura Cornell
Speaker 3: Barbara Lawrence-Strydom

Day 5 (Wednesday, April 6)

Speaker 1: Sanaa Green
Speaker 2: Jonita D’Souza
Speaker 3: Schamet Horsfield

Day 6 (Thursday, April 7)

Speaker 1: Jackie Graves
Speaker 2: Suzanne Zephyer
Speaker 3: Malika Avani

Day 7 (Friday, April 8)

Speaker 1: Claudia Spahr
Speaker 2: Asha Ramakrishna
Speaker 3: Carla

Day 8 (Saturday, April 9)

Speaker 1: Patricia Lohan
Speaker 2: Lou George
Speaker 3: Kimrah Minuty

Day 9 (Sunday, April 10)

Special Channeled Session with Tina Spalding & the Master teacher Jesus

Day 10 (Monday, April 11)

Speaker 1: Imanee Mamalution
Speaker 2: Dolores Cahill
Speaker 3: Smrita Choubey

Day 11 (Tuesday, April 12)

Speaker 1: Inaiya Ray
Speaker 2: Tamara Duncan
Speaker 3: Aurora Farber

Day 12 (Wednesday, April 13)

Speaker 1: Shannon McDonald
Speaker 2: Nilima Bhat
Speaker 3: Laura Eisenhowe

Day 13, 14, 15 (Thursday-Sunday, April 14-16)

72 Hour Encore Period

Day 16 (Sunday, April 17)

LIVE Closing Ceremony – The Isis Activation with Priestesses Dawn DelVecchio & Tamara Duncan.

Promotional Copy

REMINDER: The Promotional Period Begins on March 18

(Suggested send time is 6:05am EDT Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursdays)

Important suggestion: Your story and connection to the content of the summit (beginning of the email) will create a much bigger impact. Consider telling your readers why this subject is so important to you.

Feel free to modify the introduction to reflect your experience and to match your voice and unique style that your community is used to and loves. 

Items highlighted in red are areas for you to add your personal touch and/or custom link. (Note that <fname> is used for your list management system to auto-populate individual names. Please be sure to modify based on your list management system’s coding for that function.)

Adding one more instance of personalization with <fname> within the email makes the experience more personal and improves engagement.

Finally, unless you have a professional copywriter who regularly writes for your email list, we ask that you please maintain the formatting of the emails below by keeping the bolds and underlines as specified in the copy documents – thank you!


Subject Line (3 options): 

  • New Earth Rising! (free feminine empowerment series)
  • We are the ONES, <fname> (free online training for New Earth)
  • We came for these times (Global Priestess gathering)

Body Copy:

We came for these times <fname>,

I know it may not look like it right now, but we are here to usher in a world of greater peace, creativity and beauty. Many of us feel a deep sense of longing to play a bigger role in this sacred human awakening, often wondering if it’s even possible. I believe it is! 

So if the increased chaos of our world has stirred your passion to see true and lasting change, you’re not alone. Loving change in our world is possible, BUT … It is up to each of us to bring it about

This is why I was a full-body “Yes!” when Dawn DelVecchio invited me to share my message during her annual online series, Return of the Priestess. Our theme this year is New Earth Rising and it could not come at a better time, because now it is our time to lead, by building the bridge to New Earth, even as we cross it! 

To join us, simply register HERE (Speaker, use ONLY your Custom Link).

Like you, I have walked the path of desire and uncertainty – seeking to find the way to live in alignment with my deepest truths, and co-create a better world. (speaker, please include a personal 2-3 sentence story here to really engage with your audience.)

Throughout this year’s 30+ video interviews and live ceremonies you will receive spiritual tools, activations, blessings and prayers and discover just how global our planetary awakening has become. 

Here’s a quick peek at a few of the powerful experiences you will have:

  • (Speaker, please include your experience for our attendees here.) 
  • Discover your Integral Yogini Archetype with Nilima Bhat
  • Learn the Wisdom of the Mayan Elders with Alicia Kusumitra
  • Find Sustainable Solutions for Living with Imanee Mamalution of Haven Earth.
  • Become a Divine Feminine World Changer with Laura Cornell. 
  • Align with the Divine to Birth New Earth with Aurora Farber.
  • Activate your Divine Codes for New Earth with Shannon McDonald.
  • Engage Sacred Relationships with Leyolah Antara.
  • Plant your Flag of Sovereignty with Smrita Choubey of Veda Warrior.
  • Meet the Master Teachers from the Autism Collective with Tamara Duncan.
  • Discover the Healing Power of Forgiveness with Tina Louise Spalding.
  • Receive the Medicine of the Healing Drum with Malika Avani.
  • Transmute trauma through Lemurian Priestess practices with Sanaa Green.
  • Awaken to the Living Intelligence of Nature with Inaiya Ray.
  • PLUS! Opening and Closing Ceremonies, Channeled Messages, and so much more …

The previous years’ series have activated 10s of 1000s of women worldwide. It is an honor for me to be a part of this event during year three. 

And so I welcome you to stand with us <fname>, so that you can activate and engage YOUR unique vision for our New Earth now rising! Simply Register HERE (Speaker, use ONLY your Custom Link) to join us for this FREE online series + Global Activation.

<speaker signature>

PS: This series has been lovingly co-created by Feminine Leaders from all corners of Earth in order to serve and activate you for the times to come. Register HERE (Speaker, use ONLY your Custom Link) to claim your FREE spot now.



Subject Line (3 options): 

  • Global Gathering of Priestesses (free online series for women)
  • We gather now in the name of love – A Global Feminine Activation (free)
  • These are the times we’ve prepared for <fname> (Free Mentoring Series)

Body Copy:

Blessings dear <fname>,

It is time to gather in the name of Love, which is why I am writing to you today … 

For those “with eyes to see” it is now crystal clear that the world as we have known it no longer serves life. Its unraveling accelerates even as I write this. Simultaneously, a New Earth is rising – OUR New Earth! – right in the middle of the chaos.

As visionaries, healers, mothers, fathers and loving beings, we are being called now to turn away from the old world unraveling, and harness our SACRED VISION toward the EARTH we wish to live upon.

That’s why I am inviting you to join me for this year’s Return of the Priestess free online event. You can register right HERE (Speaker, use ONLY your Custom Link).

I’m honored to be one of this year’s 30+ mentors from all across our blessed Earth. Our theme this year is New Earth Rising and it could not come at a better time, because now it is our time to lead, by building the bridge to New Earth, even as we cross it. 

Throughout the video interviews and live ceremonies you will receive spiritual tools, activations, blessings and prayers to support you during this time of such potent global change. 

Here’s a quick peek at a few of the powerful experiences you will have:

  • (Speaker, please include your experience for our attendees here.) 
  • Discover your Integral Yogini Archetype with Nilima Bhat
  • Learn the Wisdom of the Mayan Elders with Alicia Kusumitra
  • Find Sustainable Solutions for Living with Imanee Mamalution of Haven Earth.
  • Become a Divine Feminine World Changer with Laura Cornell. 
  • Align with the Divine to Birth New Earth with Aurora Farber.
  • Activate your Divine Codes for New Earth with Shannon McDonald.
  • Engage Sacred Relationships with Leyolah Antara.
  • Plant your Flag of Sovereignty with Smrita Choubey of Veda Warrior.
  • Meet the Master Teachers from the Autism Collective with Tamara Duncan.
  • Discover the Healing Power of Forgiveness with Tina Louise Spalding.
  • Receive the Medicine of the Healing Drum with Malika Avani.
  • Transmute trauma through Lemurian Priestess practices with Sanaa Green.
  • Awaken to the Living Intelligence of Nature with Inaiya Ray.
  • PLUS! Opening and Closing Ceremonies, Channeled Messages, and so much more …

Your wisdom, your power, and your gifts are most needed now <fname>. And so I welcome you to stand with us, a global circle of life-honoring women. Let us support and inspire you as you activate your unique gifts for birthing our New Earth!

Simply Register HERE (Speaker, use ONLY your Custom Link) to join us for this FREE online series.

<speaker signature>

PS: The inner work you’ve been courageously navigating has prepared you for these times, so please join us in service to our New Earth Rising. Claim your FREE spot now, right HERE (Speaker, use ONLY your Custom Link).


Encore Emails

SPEAKERS: We invite you to consider mailing an encore email during the week of April 11-15 to your list members who did not open or click through your solo promotional email.

Subject Line (3 options): 

  1. (Encore) The Priestesses are returning and we welcome you (free online series)
  2. (Free Replay – all weekend!) Our New Earth IS Rising, <fname>! 
  3. Catch the free replay of “Return of the Priestess III” 

Body Copy:

Blessings dear <fname>,

Did you know that right now, even as the uncertainty of change is upon us, more and more people are receiving visions, feeling hopeful, empowered and embodied in their truth? 

A powerful activator for thousands of women around the Earth over the past 2 weeks has been the online series, Return of the Priestess III

It was a deep honor for me to share my passion, vision, and the actions I am taking to co-create our New Earth during my interview titled (Speaker: Insert your interview title here). Which is why I’m so happy to share the encore replay now available to you!

Catch the full encore replay by signing up here: (Speaker: Use Your Custom Link Here)

We’ve created an Energetic Field for you to plug into … a Sacred Global Sisterhood to activate you at a Soul-deep level. You have 3 full days to tune in and receive blessings, activations and guidance given by Priestesses and Visionaries from around the Earth. 

The Replay period begins on Friday, April 15th and extends through Sunday, April 17th at midnight, US pacific. After that the free run of this series closes for good. 

Here are just a few of the powerful interviews available to you:

  1. Laura Eisenhower abc
  2. Alicia Kusumitra abc
  3. Nilima Bhat Your Integral Yogini Archetype
  4. Lou George abc
  5. Leyolah Antara abc
  6. Jonita D’Sousza Self-Leadership to Birth Our New Earth
  7. Tina Louise Spalding abc
  8. Dr. Evelet Sequeira A New Earth for our Children
  9. Jackie Graves Free Your Voice for Soul Liberation & Bliss

Plus a sacred-space opening ceremony, more interviews, and closing ceremony for you to choose from! 

In this time of great change and awakening, so many of us have felt called to something more – for ourselves, our families and the world. So if you missed the last two weeks I welcome you to join us for this powerful encore weekend!

Catch the full encore replay by signing up here: (Speaker: Use Your Custom Link Here) 



Subject Line

  • New Earth Rising! (free feminine empowerment series)
  • We are the ONES, <fname> (free online training for New Earth)
  • We came for these times (Global Priestess gathering)

Body Copy:

Have the sudden shifts we are seeing unfold across our Earth triggered an inner shift in you? Do you feel a call, an urging to step into a bigger role in this great awakening of humanity? Are you wondering what that role might be?  

Now is the time for Sacred Women to rise and lead.

As visionaries, healers, mothers, fathers and loving beings, we are being called now to turn away from the old world unraveling, and harness our SACRED VISION toward the EARTH we wish to live upon.

That’s why I am inviting you to join me for this year’s Return of the Priestess free online event. You can register right HERE (Speaker, use ONLY your Custom Link).

I’m honored to be one of this year’s 30+ mentors from all across our blessed Earth. Our theme this year is New Earth Rising and it could not come at a better time, because this is our time to lead, by building the bridge to New Earth, even as we cross it.  

Now in its 3rd year of activating women worldwide, these 30+ timely interviews let you immerse yourself in a global circle of Priestesses, Wisdom Elders and Sacred Feminine Leaders. We have gathered to bring you spiritual tools, activations, blessings and prayers.

This is more than a series of conversations, it is a Ceremonial Gathering to liberate your unique spiritual gifts & activate your personal, sacred mission in service to our New Earth Rising! To join us, simply register HERE (Speaker, use your Custom Link).


Subject Line

The Priestesses Are Called to Order (free online gathering)

Return of the Priestess (Special Invitation!)

Stand with us now, sister (global feminine activation event)

Body Copy:

Do you have a deep sense of longing to play a bigger role in the sacred awakening of humanity? Have the sudden shifts now before us activated a passion to embody your leadership energies more fully? Are you wondering if you are even ready yet? 

Beloved sister I promise you, the inner work you’ve been courageously navigating has prepared you for these times. 

Today it has become clear that those aligned with LOVE and with our Earth Home must rise. We are being called now to bring forth our sacred gifts, our wisdom and our love to a planet in transition.

This is why I was a full-body “Yes!” when Priestess Dawn DelVecchio invited me to share my message during her upcoming online series, Return of the Priestess III

Our theme this year is New Earth Rising and it could not come at a better time, because this is our time to lead, by building the bridge to New Earth, even as we cross it. By attending these 30+ video interviews, you will immerse yourself in a global circle of Wisdom Elders, Priestesses and Sacred Feminine Leaders. We have gathered to bring you spiritual tools, activations, blessings and prayers. 

This is more than a series of conversations, it is a Ceremonial Gathering to liberate your unique spiritual gifts & activate your personal, sacred mission in service to our New Earth Rising! 

Simply Register HERE (Speaker, use your Custom Link) to join us for this FREE online series.



HeadlineNew Earth Rising! – A Global Activation 

Body Copy:

For those “with eyes to see” it is now crystal clear that the world as we have known it no longer serves life. Simultaneously, a New Earth is rising – OUR New Earth! – right in the middle of the chaos.

So if that chaos of our world has stirred your passion to see true and lasting change, you’re not alone. Loving change in our world is possible, and YOU came here to help midwife this transformation!

That’s why I was a full-body “Yes!” when Dawn DelVecchio invited me to share my message during her upcoming online series, Return of the Priestess III

Our theme this year is New Earth Rising and it could not come at a better time, because this is our time to lead, by building the bridge to New Earth, even as we cross it. 

Your wisdom, your power, and your gifts are most needed now. And so I welcome you to stand with us, a global circle of life-honoring women. Let us support and inspire you as you activate your unique gifts for birthing our New Earth!

Simply Register HERE (Speaker, use ONLY your Custom Link) to join us for this FREE online series.



HeadlineOur Great Awakening –  it is time to rise!

Body Copy:

Many of us feel a deep sense of longing to support a better world, often wondering if it’s even possible. It’s become clear that those aligned with LOVE and with our Earth Home must rise. We can feel it. We are being called to bring forth our sacred gifts, our wisdom and our love to a planet in transition.

So if the increased chaos of our world has stirred your passion to see true and lasting change, you’re not alone. Loving change in our world is possible, and YOU came here to help midwife this change!

This is why I was a full-body “Yes!” to share my voice during a first-of-its-kind online series called Return of the Priestess III: New Earth Rising

Our theme this year is New Earth Rising and it could not come at a better time, because this is our time to lead, by building the bridge to New Earth, even as we cross it. 

Come, join me and 30 other Sacred Feminine Leaders from around the Earth for a Her-storic gathering that will activate and empower your Soul Gifts. This is a FREE online series + Global Feminine Activation with wisewoman leaders from around the world.

Let us liberate our spiritual gifts & activate our sacred missions for our beloved planet in transition. Register HERE (Speaker, use your Custom Link)



HeadlineThese Times Call Us to Lead with Love

Body Copy:

Have the sudden shifts now before us activated a passion to embody your feminine energies more fully? Are you wondering how to bring your gifts forward in service to a better tomorrow? 

You’re not alone! … Today it’s clear that the feminine is rising. We are called now to bring forth our gifts, our wisdom and our love to a planet in transition.

This is why I was a full-bodied “Yes!” to share my message during a free online series called Return of the Priestess III, and I want you to join me!

I am one of more than 30 feminine leaders bringing you spiritual tools, activations, blessings and prayers. Our theme this year is New Earth Rising and it could not come at a better time, because this is our time to lead, by building the bridge to New Earth, even as we cross it. 

This is more than a series of conversations, it is a Global Feminine Activation, with Priestesses, Wisdom Elders and Feminine Visionaries from all around the world. 

Come, join us and embody your full gifts to lead with love.

Register HERE (Speaker, use your Custom Link) to join us for this FREE online series.




HeadlineIt is time for the #priestess to rise!

Body Copy:

We are called now to bring forth our gifts, our wisdom and our love to a planet in transition. This is why I am a full-body “Yes!” to share my message online during this FREE Global Feminine Activation: Return of the Priestess III. JOIN ME! (REGISTER AT LINK AT MY BIO)

 #ReturnofthePriestess #SacredFeminineRising #OnlinePriestessGathering #NewEarthRising #SacredFeminine



HeadlineThe Goddess Calls … Her Daughters Answer

Body Copy:

I am a full-body “Yes!” for sharing my message during Return of the Priestess IIIFREE online series + Global Feminine Activation coming to you this month. JOIN US and gather with #priestesses and #wisewoman leaders from around the Earth! (REGISTER AT LINK AT MY BIO)

 #ReturnofthePriestess #SacredFeminineRising #OnlinePriestessGathering #NewEarthRising #SacredFeminine



HeadlineCalling the #wildwoman #priestess #goddess embodied women!

Body Copy:

At times of great change, those of the light show up to serve. We, the Priestesses have come to midwife a NEW EARTH. It’s a joy to share this journey with you, sisters … Return of the Priestess III is a FREE online series + Global Feminine Activation with priestesses and #wisewoman leaders from around the world. Come, JOIN US in Sacred Space (REGISTER AT LINK AT MY BIO)

 #ReturnofthePriestess #SacredFeminineRising #OnlinePriestessGathering #NewEarthRising #SacredFeminine



HeadlineOur NEW EARTH Rises Now.

Body Copy:

Return of the Priestess is a Ceremonial Gathering to liberate your spiritual gifts & activate your sacred mission! Our theme this year is New Earth Rising. This is our time to lead, by building the bridge to New Earth, even as we cross it. Immerse yourself in a global circle of Sacred Feminine Leaders bringing you spiritual tools, activations, blessings & prayers. REGISTER AT LINK AT MY BIO. (This is a FREE online series + Global Feminine Activation.)

#ReturnofthePriestess #SacredFeminineRising #OnlinePriestessGathering #NewEarthRising #SacredFeminine

TWEETS (4 Options)

Ideally 71-100 characters (max 280) Include maximum 2 #


I am a full-body “Yes!” to speak during “Return of the Priestess III a FREE online series + Global Feminine Activation for sacred empowerment. Join Us, Sisters! >>> (Speaker: add your custom link here – you may want to shorten with bit.ly). #ReturnofthePriestess



Liberate your gifts & activate your sacred mission in service to our #NewEarthRising ! Join us for “Return of the Priestess III” FREE online series + Global Goddess gathering with #priestesses and #wisewoman leaders from around the world. >>> (Speaker: add your custom link here – you may want to shorten with bit.ly). #ReturnofthePriestess



With joy I invite you to the 3rd annual, Return of the Priestess series! This FREE online Feminine Activation brings you #priestesses and #wisewoman from around the world. This year we activate your leadership in service to #NewEarthRising >>> (Speaker: add your custom link here – you may want to shorten with bit.ly). #ReturnofthePriestess



Do you have a longing to play a bigger role in humanity’s sacred awakening? Have the sudden shifts activated a passion to embody your feminine leadership energies more fully? Join me + 30 #priestesses and #wisewoman from around the world for “Return of the Priestess III” – FREE online series + Global Activation >>> (Speaker: add your custom link here – you may want to shorten with bit.ly). #ReturnofthePriestess



© 2025 DawnDelVecchio.com. All rights reserved.