Soul Relief & Renewal Weekend

Led by your priestess guides…

Dawn DelVecchio, MA and Marguerite Rigoglioso, PhD


Here is where you can access all of your course materials, including your free bonuses and call recordings (in both video and audio). Simply scroll and click to access!

Soul Relief & Renew Course Content

Please be sure to do each segment in their correct order.

Here’s What This Soul Renewal Journey Offers You:

SESSION 1: The Big Picture Overview – Why You & Why Now?

We begin with an overview of where we are on the timeline of this planetary shifting. Bringing our years of experience as oracle guides, Marguerite and Dawn will deliver you up-to-the-minute information and guidance so that you can gain clarity about where you are going and what you need next.

This healing session offers you insightful support, including oracle shares from Marguerite and astrological insights from Dawn, as well as an energetic process  to help you gain greater clarity on your current life-flow, and on where and how you most wish to shift for your highest path.

You will walk away from our first gathering feeling more at ease and able to maintain peace of mind, regardless of what’s going on around you.

SESSIONS 2-4: Clearing Your Vessel for Soul-Deep Renewal

Our Saturday sessions offer you an opportunity to receive healing and renewal in a blissful, effortless way. You can expect to be cleared of old stuck energies and emotions; have any holes or “leaks” in your energy system smoothly sealed; and then be deeply replenished with the new, high-frequency light codes available for your spiritual advancement.

Dawn and Marguerite will be preparing ceremonially in advance in order to deliver you both in-the-moment guidance and proven, higher-frequency processes for your renewal and recalibration.

As you receive these energy transmissions of Light, you will find the relief you’re seeking at this time, through a process that is both easeful and nourishing! 

SESSION 5: Charging Your Intuitive Abilities & Future Prosperity

Now that you have received all of the clearing and activations of higher-light frequencies, it is time to amp up your energies so that you can step back into your life renewed.

Our focus for Sunday is to activate the new light codes within you, further open your intuitive/psychic capacities, and energize your future goals, your prosperity, and your next steps. Marguerite and Dawn will be serving you in high-level intuitive mode, incorporating our decades of experience and training.

You can expect to feel excitement, optimism, and enthusiasm for your life again by being part of this high-frequency gathering in sacred community.

FREE BONUS #1: Golden Light Energy Healing: 

An excellent meditation to clear, cleanse, heal & enliven your physical body and energetic field. Helps you use the powerful visualization of golden light to effectively release illness & pain, open to intuitive reception, and connect with higher guidance. Marguerite’s most popular meditation, ideal for those looking for a daily practice.

FREE BONUS #2: Protection for Spirit Workers & Awakening Souls online course:

Get a clearer picture of the challenging forces all Spirit servers deal with, from human and inter-dimensional realms, especially as we move deeper. Learn a variety of techniques for becoming immune to negativity, establishing your sovereignty, and developing your own higher consciousness. Receive tools for honoring the Shadow and witnessing it neutrally so that you may not be taken over by it.

FREE BONUS #3: How to Prepare Self-Care Bundle:

This bundle includes both a Healing Meditation and a Self-Care Guide to support you before, during and following our weekend.

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